Web Sites/Links/Resources

Check out these great Web Sites/Links for some excellent information on local/internet resources, bipolar disorder, depression, disability, medications and other mental health-related issues.

Disclaimer:   PLEASE NOTE that these web-based services are not meant to replace a face-to-face consultation with a trained counsellor,  psychologist, psychiatrist or doctor nor do these services provide “on-line” counselling … As well, the listing of these sites and resources on this web site does not imply that the Mood Disorders Support Group of Guelph endorses any or all of the information which is included …  Some of the information on this Web page has been provided by external sources …We encourage you to thoroughly evaluate the materials, consult directly with the source of the information and use what you find most helpful for you.




Medical Facilities, Medications & Support Services


Peer Support in the Community & Online:


The Choice-D is a Patient and Family Guide to Depression Treatment. This is practical information from CANMAT and MDAO. Sponsored by CANMAT, MDAO, CAN-BIND and The Ontario Brain Institute.

Download it here.